Electric Drive Conversion as a Sustainable Development

 electric-energySustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

-United Nations Brundtland Commission, 1983

Sustainable development is particularly demanding, as it requires predictably sound economics achieved from effective products and services, which employ low risk technology and proven skills.  When engaged to answer sustainable energy needs, the outcome is … better energy.  Performance-based economics does not stem from ANY political interpretation of fact.

Why an investment in clean fleet electric drive conversion is …


Reference: PBS Journalist Paul Solomon interviewed Hilton Dier on “Making Sense.” >Read Full Article<

Although not discussed in the PBS “Making Sense” article, savings from converting to clean electric energy for transportation are compellingly significant.  Savings stem fuel cost reduction of 4 to 1 after converting a service vehicle, deployed on a predictable service route, to a clean, efficient battery electric drive train.

Table 6  Earnings from conversion of light duty service vehicle to battery electric drive

Item Description Amount
1 EPA mpg rating for Dodge Dakota 18 mpg
2 Energy required for battery electric drive 0.5 kWh/mi
3 Cost for 18 miles of travel (one gallon) $4.00 before conversion
4 Average electric utility rate in US 10c/kWh (EIA, April 2013)
5 Cost for 18 miles of travel (18 kWh) $0.90 after conversion
6 Savings from reduced cost of fuel $3.10 for 18 mi
7 Savings per mile $0.17/mi
8 Savings for 60mi/day, 250 days $2583/year
9 Savings from 1/2 maintenance $818/year
10 Total savings per year $3,400 per year
11 Cost of conversion $30,000 not including cost of vehicle
12 Savings as % of total effective cost 11%
13 Risk of ownership Managed by design simplicity, component quality, project planning and journeyman shop skills

Fleet directors and managers can gain the same earnings as if investing in an I Bond.

Table  5  Investment Comparison Profile, July 2013

Item Criteria


I Savings Bond Energy Conservation – Conversion to Clean Fuel for Transportation
1 Investor Anyone with a SSN Fleet ownerBusiness owner
2 Term of Investment Up to 30 years Vehicle Service Life
3 Asset yield Earned interest Savings from unused energy –fuel*
4 Tax Taxable at redemption(deferred) Savings are Tax free
5 Inflation Protection YesInterest linked to Urban CPI Yes – isolation from fossil energy cost inflation
6 Protection of Principal Full faith and credit of USG Installation insured under vehicle insurance policy
7 Investment cap $15k/year per individual Fraction of fleet replacement cost
8 Annual earnings 2x Urban CPIi.e. 0 – 5.7% over last 14 yrsCurrently 1.18% 11% Plus savings from avoidance of future energy cost inflation, less cost of any borrowed capital
* $100 saved from unavoidable cost (energy bills) is the same as $100 in earnings
NOTE Rates for I Bonds: http://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/research/indepth/ibonds/res_ibonds_iratesandterms.htm#ex